Practice for Peace

Intuition Workout for Peace

An intuition workout is a practice session working with your own psychic gifts to gain clarity around different questions. What I like about it is that you need nothing more than uninterrupted time, a space to do it, yourself, and a notebook or journal. No Tarot cards, runes, crystal balls, ouija boards, pendulums, or any other equipment is required. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of that stuff, but it can sometimes distract us from the powerful intuition that we hold inside us and become a crutch.

To get ready for the session take your notebook or journal and write out no more than three of these questions, or some you make up on your own, with plenty of space to write an answer after each. Questions focus our intuition on the answer. A curious psychic gets more information.

What fears do I have about peace?

What harmful beliefs hold me back from peace?

What old programing or memories influence my lack of peace now?

What am I learning about peace right now?

What can I do to create more peace in my life?

How can I personally contribute to peace in my household?

…in my town?

…in my country?

…in my world?

What do I need to know to find or create peace in my life?

Once you have chosen or made up three or fewer questions for your workout, put your journal and pen in your lap or set them aside, close at hand. Take a deep breath and begin progressively relaxing your body from your head to toes. Relax your mind, relax your emotions, and allow your spirit to open and shine. Count down, visualizing the numbers from 12 to 1 on the screen of your mind. Release the screen and let the count down of 13 to 1 gently take you deeper. When you are at your meditative level, affirm that you are opening your intuitive abilities with something like:

“I am surrounded by divine protection and I am now safely opening up to my intuition. My guides are around me guiding and protecting me. I can call up and understand any psychic information. I receive only the psychic information that is correct and accurate for me at this time.”

Mentally call out your first question, focusing all your attention on it. Then let the question go and visualize a blank screen in your mind’s eye. Relax and allow the information to come. It can manifest through any of your senses or a combination of them. You may receive a memory, an odd image, a voice speaking in your head, a feeling, or just a sense of knowing. Relax and receive. Know that it doesn’t have to make sense right away and could be symbolic. When you feel the flow of sensation and information has stopped, with a soft focus open your eyes and write down what you received in your journal. When done, close your eyes again, take a few deep breaths to deepen into meditative state once more, and ask the next question, repeating the process of asking, clearing the mind’s eye and allowing what comes to come. Again with soft focus open your eyes and write out your perceptions until you have answered all the questions.

Close out the session with affirmations of ending.

“I give thanks to my intuition and my guides for this session. I will retain and understand all information from this session. This session is at an end and I will return to waking consciousness.”

Count yourself up from 1 to 13, wiggling your fingers and toes to bring your consciousness fully back to the body. Count up again from 1 to 12, coming fully back. Give yourself clearance and balance. Ground yourself as needed.

Look over your intuitive notes. What came up? Write in the margins your possible interpretations of any symbols that may have appeared. Use the information that came up to help you create more peace.

May your practice bring you peace.

Blessed be!